Part-Time Work

Faculty in the Department of Medicine may have options for part-time work, if desired and approved by their Division and Department. A general overview of options for part-time work organized by series is provided in the tables below. For example, faculty in non-Senate series (e.g., HS Clinical, Adjunct) who participate in the Health Sciences Compensation Plan may request part-time appointment percentages of 51-100%. Appointments in Academic Senate Series (e.g., Clinical X, Ladder Rank or In Residence) are required to be at 100% effort; however, these appointments may be temporarily reduced under special circumstances. These include major childcare responsibilities (birth or non-birth parent), faculty’s own serious health conditions, care for a close family member who is seriously ill, bereavement of a close family member, or other family needs as approved. In those situations, a temporary reduction in effort up to five years in duration may be requested. Effort is generally still at least 51% unless medically necessary. Part-time work may have ramifications for benefits such as vacation and pension credit accrual and your departmental benefits manager may be helpful in clarifying those effects. Faculty working at 51% or greater effort remain members of the Compensation Plan and are bound by all of its terms and conditions, including those governing outside professional activities.

More details can be found at:

Part-Time Work Options – PAID (Senate Series)


Ladder Rank HCOMP*

In Residence HCOMP*

Clinical X HCOMP*

Comp Plan Membership




Appointment %

Generally 100%, but may be eligible for temporary reduction in effort (still at least 51% unless medically necessary)

Generally 100%, but may be eligible for temporary reduction in effort (still at least 51% unless medically necessary)

Generally 100%, but may be eligible for temporary reduction in effort (still at least 51% unless medically necessary)

Salary Scale




Salary Components


Eligible for Y

Eligible for Z


Eligible for Y

Eligible for Z


Eligible for Y

Eligible for Z

Current Practice

Core faculty (e.g., fully employed by UCSF) 

Cannot be employed elsewhere

Core faculty (e.g., fully employed by UCSF) 

Cannot be employed elsewhere

Core faculty (e.g., fully employed by UCSF) 

Cannot be employed elsewhere

Work Expectations


  • Scholarly/creative activity
  • Teaching
  • Patient Care
  • Service
  • Scholarly/creative activity
  • Teaching
  • Patient Care
  • Service
  • Teaching
  • Scholarly/creative activity
  • Patient Care
  • Service

* Appointments to Academic Senate Series (e.g., Clinical X, Professor (Ladder Rank) or Professor in Residence) generally need to be 100% effort; however, these appointments may be less than full time under special circumstances. These include major childcare responsibilities (birth or non-birth parent), faculty’s own serious health conditions, care for a close family member who is seriously ill, bereavement of a close family member, or other family needs as approved. 

Part-Time Work Options – PAID (Non-senate Series)


HS Clinical HCOMP

Adjunct HCOMP

HS Clinical FY

Adjunct FY

MSP Staff Physician

Comp Plan Membership






Appointment %

At least 51%

At least 51%




Salary Scale






Salary Components


Eligible for Y

Eligible for Z


Eligible for Y

Eligible for Z


Eligible for HON


Eligible for HON



Eligible for BYP if included in approved pay plan.

Current Practice

Core faculty (e.g., fully employed by UCSF)

Cannot be employed elsewhere

Core faculty (e.g., fully employed by UCSF)

Cannot be employed elsewhere

VA-affiliates who are paid 0-49.9% UC (e.g., they hold a physician 8ths appointment at the VA)

Total combined UC+VA effort cannot exceed 150%

Can be employed elsewhere

Part-time faculty (≤50%) who primarily participate in research and other creative activities. If MD, can also provide clinical care as secondary activity.

Can be employed elsewhere

Part-time clinicians. Moonlighters, hired to serve urgent clinical needs.

WOS concomitant appt included. (see next pg)

Can be employed elsewhere.

Work Expectations


  • Patient care 
  • Teaching 
  • Scholarly/creative activity
  • Service


  • Scholarly/creative activity
  • Teaching
  • Service

Can also provide patient care but not required.

  • Patient care 
  • Teaching 
  • Scholarly/creative activity
  • Service
  • Scholarly/creative activity
  • Teaching
  • Service

Can also provide patient care but not required.

  • Patient care
  • Can teach but not a requirement.
  • No participation in creative/scholarly activities required.

Part-Time Work Options – UNPAID


Vol Clin Professor (VCP)

HS Clinical WOS – WOS

Clinical Assoc – WOS

Adjunct – WOS

Appointment %





Eligible for HON





Current Practice

Volunteer clinicians with teaching and/or patient care responsibilities. 

(Also a concomitant appointment option for MSPs with teaching responsibilities).

Only used for concomitant WOS appointments needed for affiliations (noted below) and MSP staff physician, chief residents, non-AGCME fellows, as needed.

Volunteer clinicians with no teaching or research responsibilities. 

(Also, a concomitant appointment option for MSPs with NO teaching responsibilities).


Volunteer faculty primarily engaged in scholarly/creative work, with teaching/mentoring as required for the Adjunct series.

Affiliation with UCSF

No formal affiliation needed outside of VCP appointment.

VAMC affiliates, Fresno Medicine faculty paid by their VA or community employer, and joint WOS appointment(s) with other UCSF departments.

Must be employed at locations affiliated with UCSF including University-managed clinics, practices, networks, etc. 

No formal affiliation needed outside of Adjunct WOS appointment.

Work Expectations


  • Teaching
  • Patient care
  • Teaching 
  • Patient Care
  • Scholarly/creative activity
  • Service
  • Patient care only
  • Scholarly/creative activities
  • Teaching

APU: Academic Programmatic Unit; WOS: Without salary; HON: Honorarium; BYP=full shifts/flat rate payments for MSP physicians